Golden Egg Academy

Am currently developing a middle-grade adventure novel under the Golden Egg Academy’s Work on Your Novel programme (2022-23).

Favourite books read in 2020

Favourite books read in 2020

The Essex Serpent by Sarah Perry

The Essex Serpent by Sarah Perry

Rumours of a strange aquatic serpent ignite the fears of a riverside village in Essex. A corpse washes up. A boat goes missing. Children become hysterical. The church simmers with disgruntled parishioners. Into this feverish community saunters young widow Cora Seaborne, a rich Londoner with an eye for fossils and a craving to find the mysterious creature. Meanwhile, her suitors ply their charms.

While I love Victorian melodrama, this book took me weeks to read: I kept putting it down. Perhaps because all the characters are nice. I would have liked more monster. Nevertheless, The Essex Serpent is a serious work - rich in detail, atmosphere, and ideas.

Published in 2016, this is British author Sarah Perry’s second novel, succeeded by Melmoth last year.

Picnic at Hanging Rock by Joan Lindsay

Picnic at Hanging Rock by Joan Lindsay

The Lost Book of Adventure by The Unknown Adventurer

The Lost Book of Adventure by The Unknown Adventurer