Golden Egg Academy

Am currently developing a middle-grade adventure novel under the Golden Egg Academy’s Work on Your Novel programme (2022-23).

Favourite books read in 2020

Favourite books read in 2020

The Haunting of Aveline Jones by Phil Hickes

The Haunting of Aveline Jones by Phil Hickes

When a family emergency takes her mother to Scotland, Aveline is sent to the seaside cottage of her schoolmarmish aunt. She lives in Malmouth, a creepy harbour town with wild weather and unsettling Halloween traditions.

Everywhere looks creepy if all you ever read about is ghosts.
— p. 11

Aveline is sure to be bored senseless, but then she unearths a strange book of ghost stories from a secondhand bookshop… The black rooks croak, the cold rain falls, the door handle twists and rattles. Is there something more than fiction in the old book of tales?

To her horror, Aveline realises that solving the mystery is much more than an amusing pastime. It’s a matter of life and death.

It’s not often I recognise the exact moment a book hooks me, but with The Haunting of Aveline Jones it was a single sentence in Chapter 3: ‘It sounded like a tiny spade being dragged across concrete.’

I loved the final confrontation scene, and the relationship between Aveline and her mysterious friend is really touching.

Lovely black-and-white illustrations throughout by Keith Robinson. I particularly liked the chapter-break artwork with the quotes from Primrose.

The Haunting of Aveline Jones is a gently spooky middle-grade novel with a gripping finale - and a sequel: The Bewitching of Aveline Jones (2021).


If you liked Aveline Jones, try Chris Priestley’s Uncle Montague’s Tales of Terror.

Danger at Dead Man’s Pass by MG Leonard & Sam Sedgman

Danger at Dead Man’s Pass by MG Leonard & Sam Sedgman

Escape Room by Christopher Edge

Escape Room by Christopher Edge